New vegas continue after ending
New vegas continue after ending

  • Kill Tommy, and retrieve Tommy's finger.
  • Kill Tony Idaho, and retrieve Tony Idaho's finger.
  • Kill or dissuade Duane "The Coyote" Collins.
  • Kill Cullen, and retrieve Cullen's finger.
  • Kill Eileen, and retrieve Eileen's finger.
  • Find Onoda, kill him, and retrieve Onada's finger.
  • new vegas continue after ending

  • Speak to chesty about the caravan attack.
  • Return to Steven Randall and claim the bounty caps, and ask for another job.
  • Kill Tom Quigley, and retrieve Tom Quigley's finger.
  • Speak with Steven Randall about the bounty hunter position.
  • new vegas continue after ending

    Randall & Associates have an open bounty hunter position, Steven Randall is stationed outside Primm.

    New vegas continue after ending